Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 full days and a wakeup

This past weekend was very, very difficult being on a liquid only diet. Mostly because my family was home. I also had to do some grocery shopping.

I never realized how much our society revolves around food. It does. Food is everywhere. It's on the TV. It's in the movies. It's practically on every corner. Adverstisements are everywhere. Food chains are everywhere. It's just everywhere you turn. Like a Monster chasing you in a bad dream. There's no escaping.

Today's a bit easier.

The kids are going w/ us on Friday. I'll have to try to remember to pack them some stuff to do while they're waiting at the hospital.

Today's full of appointments. 2 teacher conferences. Kids get out at 1130 am today. The start of Spring/Easter Break. All 3 kids have dentist appointments today.

I have a ton of stuff I need to do.

I'm sick of the mom's group. Sooo much drama and knit picking. It's nuts! I've changed all of my RSVP's for the next month to NO. Not all because of the drama, but also because of my recovery from surgery. Not to mention most of the stuff I was interested in revolved around food. I had thought the friendships I developed within the group would survive whether I was in the group or not. Now I'm not sure. I feel myself withdrawing from everyone when I'm in the depressed state. I see how I don't exactly fit into the groups activites and stuff. Then I see how my friends just keeping going. Which they should. Eh.

I can hardly wait till our vacation.

Bean's bedroom furniture will be here tomorrow. I've been dealing with this company for over a month now. It arrived damaged. Ended up having to call the BBB on the company we ordered it from to get action. Hopefully, this time the furniture won't be damaged.

Time to start the conferences.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Surgery Date & Update

Okay, it's been forever since I've updated. I'm not writing anywhere else. I figure this is as good a place as any.

First my most recent news:

After jumping thru insurance hoops for the past year, I finally have a surgery date. April 10th I'll be getting my lapband.

I'm excited and scared all at the same time. Mostly excited.

I've been on the liquid diet since Wednesday. It's really not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Today I've been hungry...or at least my thoughts have been revolving around food. I can do this. I have no choice, I have to do this. For myself and for my family.


LT just turned 8 a few weeks ago.

This past week he's been pretty sick. My husband took him to the ER last Wednesday. I thought he just had allergies. Afterall, that's what the Dr. said Bean had just the week before. When he started sleeping around the clock and not eating or drinking at all, I started getting worried. Within just a few hours he seemed to be whithering away before my eyes.

He ended up getting 2 bags of IV fluid while in the ER. They tested him for strep throat and mono. Both tests came back negative. They finally gave the diagnosis of dehydration due to a viral infection. No cures. No meds. No advice.

LT has been having a coughing fit since last night. (Seems to have stopped now.) So, he's going back to see our family dr today.

I hope and pray he's on the upward slope to recovery.

Not sure if I mentioned this before or not. We've decided to hold LT back and repeat the 2nd grade. Long story I might write about another time.


We've planned a vacation from June 4th to June 21st. I can't even begin to express how much we're looking forward to this.

We're going to Orlando on the 4th until the 13th. It's kind of a water theme this trip. We plan on visiting Discovery Cove, Sea World, & Aquatica. Our passes for Sea World & Aquatica are good for 14 days. We can visit Busch Gardens in Tampa if we want...our park pass include that park as well.

On the 13th we'll drive from Orlando to Tampa. Then we'll spend 2 nights on St. Petersburg Beach. I'll be happy staying on the beach for the 2 days.

On the 15th we'll board a Carnival Cruise ship. 5 day cruise. We'll visit Cozumel and Mexico. Hubby & Bug will be taking an excursion in Mexico that's like the Amazing Race. I'm not sure what LT, Bean, & I will do yet. We'll use our Cozumel excursion as a family trip.

On the 21st we'll fly home.

The only part of the trip I haven't taken care of yet is our night in a hotel after returning from the cruise. I need to do that and look into pet care.

DA update

Bug finally got so fustrated dealing with her father she forwarded one of his emails to me. Asking me to step in. So, I did.

After a few civil emails back and fourth he's decided to come visit Bug the day after we return from vacation. He says he'll only be here for about 4 or 5 days.

Hopefully I can manage to avoid seeing him & he'll be gone before the 4th of July.


Can't think of anything else to write. And now it's time to take Bean to pre-k.